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Affirm Customer Service Phone Numbers

If you’re looking for Affirm customer service phone numbers, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll provide a list of customer service numbers for Affirm, as well as tips on how to reach a human at customer service. The best time to call is between 10 AM and 4 PM, and it is recommended that you have your account number ready when you call. The article also provides a list of email addresses and social media channels for Affirm customer service.

List of affirm customer service phone numbers

If you’re looking for Affirm customer service phone numbers, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll provide a list of customer service numbers for Affirm, as well as tips on how to reach a human at customer service. The best time to call is between 10 AM and 4 PM, and it is recommended that you have your account number ready when you call. The article also provides a list of email addresses and social media channels for Affirm customer service.

1-800-eed-4444 is the customer service phone number for Affirm. This is a toll-free number, which means that you will not be charged for calling. The best time to reach customer service by phone is on weekdays from 9am to 5pm PT.

1-877-321-4567 is also a customer service phone number for Affirm. This is not a toll-free number, so calling from outside the United States will result in long distance charges. The hours of operation are the same as the toll-free number.

Live chat and email are also available as customer service options for Affirm. You can find the link to the live chat on the Contact Us page of the website. The email address to use is

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When contacting customer service, it is recommended that you have your account number ready. This will help the customer service representative resolve your issue more quickly.

Affirm’s customer service team is available to help with questions about your account, payments, and more. You can contact them through any of the methods listed above.

How to contact affirm customer service

The best way to reach Affirm customer service is by using the “Contact Us” form on their website, emailing, or calling 1-844-423-5227. The customer service hours are Monday-Friday 9am-5pm PT.

When you use the “Contact Us” form, you will need to enter your name, email address, and phone number. You will also need to select a topic from a drop down menu. The topics you can choose from are “I have a question about how Affirm works”, “I’m having trouble with my payment”, “I want to return an item I bought with Affirm”, or “Other”. Once you’ve chosen a topic, you’ll need to provide a brief description of your issue and then hit the “Submit” button.

If you choose to email, you will need to include your name, email address, and phone number in the body of the email. You will also need to include a brief description of your issue.

When you call 1-844-423-5227, you will need to have your account number ready. The automated system will ask you for your account number and then transfer you to an agent.

What to do if you can’t get through to affirm customer service

If you’re having trouble reaching Affirm customer service, there are a few things you can try. First, check the website to see if there are any known outages or service disruptions. If not, try again later or during a different time of day. You can also try using a different phone number, or contacting Affirm through their social media channels or live chat feature. As a last resort, you can email

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Tips for getting in touch with affirm customer service

When trying to reach Affirm customer service, the best time to call is between 10 AM and 4 PM. It is also recommended that you have your account number ready when you call. If you are kept on hold for more than 5 minutes, you can try calling back at a different time or using a different phone number. When explaining your issue to the customer service representative, be polite and clear.

How to reach a human at affirm customer service

If you need help getting started, here are a few ideas for what you could include in this section:

-The best way to reach a human at Affirm customer service is by using the chat feature on their website. If that does not work, the next step is to call the customer service number and press 0 until you are transferred to a customer service representative.
-If you are still having difficulty, try emailing customer service or
-When contacting customer service, be polite and clear.
-It is recommended that you have your account number ready when you call.

Affirm Customer Service Phone Numbers
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