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Cash App Customer Service Phone Numbers

Cash App is a popular mobile payment service that allows users to send and receive money instantly through their phones. Cash App also offers features such as Cash Card, Cash Boost, Bitcoin and Investing. If you are a Cash App user and you need help or support with your service or product, you can contact their customer service team by phone. Here are the different phone numbers that you can use depending on your query or issue.

Main Phone Number

The main phone number for Cash App customer service is 1-855-351-2274. This is the official and only phone number that customers can call for Cash App support. You can call this number any time, but bear in mind that you will receive automated instructions. You can use this number to report a lost or stolen Cash Card, to activate your Cash Card, to check your account balance, to request a transaction statement, to change your PIN or to close your account.

Alternative Phone Number

The alternative phone number for Cash App customer service is 1-800-969-1940. This is the phone number that is listed on the Cash App website and app. You can call this number Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 7:00pm EST. However, this number is not a direct line to a live representative, but rather a menu that offers a series of options for different issues. You may be able to reach a live representative by following the prompts, but it is not guaranteed.

International Phone Number

The international phone number for Cash App customer service is 001-804-934-2001. This is the phone number that you can use if you are outside the US and you need to contact Cash App support. You can call this number any day of the week from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST. However, this number will cost you depending on your provider and location. You may also need to dial an exit code before the number, depending on your country.

Other Ways to Contact Cash App Customer Service

Besides phone numbers, Cash App also offers other ways to contact their customer service team. You can chat with them online through their app or website, where you can also find answers to frequently asked questions and manage your account. You can also email them through their app or website or write to them at Cash App 1455 Market Street Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94103. Alternatively, you can follow them on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, Twitch and Reddit and send them a message there.

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How to Escalate Your Complaint

Cash App strives to provide excellent customer service and resolve any issues as quickly as possible. However, if you are not satisfied with their response or solution, you can escalate your complaint by contacting their Customer Advocacy team by email at or by mail at Square Capital Attention: Customer Advocacy 1455 Market Street Suite 600 San Francisco CA 94103.

This article has explained how to contact Cash App customer service by phone for different queries and issues. By calling the right number for your query or issue, you can save time and get a better service from Cash App.

Cash App Customer Service Phone Numbers
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