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History of Colombia

Colombia is a country with a rich and fascinating history. The first people to settle in the area were hunter-gatherers, and over time, they developed into complex civilizations. In the 16th century, the Spanish conquered Colombia and it became a colony of Spain. But in the early 19th century, Colombians fought for and won their independence.

Since then, Colombia has been through many changes – including civil wars and the rise of the drug trade. But in recent years, the country has experienced economic growth and is working to overcome some of its challenges.

Pre-Columbian civilization in Colombia

Pre-Columbian civilization in Colombia
The first inhabitants of what is now Colombia were hunter-gatherers who arrived around 12,000 BCE. The first known civilization in Colombia was the Muisca, who settled in the area around Lake Zipa around 800 BCE. The Muisca had a complex social hierarchy and developed a form of writing and art. Around 1500 BCE, the Chibcha began to migrate into the area and eventually displaced the Muisca. The Chibcha developed their own form of writing and art, and built elaborate cities and temples.

The Spanish conquest of Colombia

The Spanish conquest of Colombia began in 1501 with the exploration of Rodrigo de Bastidas. De Bastidas was a Spanish conquistador who explored the northern coast of South America. He was accompanied by Alonso de Ojeda and Juan de la Cosa. The three men sailed along the coast of present-day Colombia and Venezuela. They landed on an island off the coast of Venezuela and claimed it for Spain. They then continued sailing north and landed on the mainland of South America.

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De Bastidas’ expedition was followed by other Spanish expeditions. In 1519, Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada led a large expedition into the interior of Colombia. The expedition was made up of around 800 men, including soldiers, miners, and priests. The expedition was opposed by indigenous people, who were fighting to defend their land. The Spanish committed atrocities against the indigenous people, such as massacreing them and plundering their villages. Despite this, the Spanish were able to conquer the area and establish control over present-day Colombia.

The most famous event of the Spanish conquest is the capture and execution of Atahualpa, the ruler of the Inca Empire. Atahualpa had been captured by the Spanish after they defeated his army in 1532. He was sentenced to death by Francisco Pizarro, the leader of the Spanish expedition. Pizarro ordered that Atahualpa be killed by strangulation, which was carried out in 1533.

Independence and civil wars

The struggle for independence in Colombia began in 1810, when the people of Bogotá rebelled against Spanish rule. This was followed by a series of uprisings and rebellions across the country. In 1819, the rebel army, led by Simón Bolívar, defeated the Spanish army at the Battle of Boyacá. This resulted in the establishment of the Republic of Gran Colombia, which included present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama.

However, Gran Colombia was short-lived. The country soon descended into civil war and regionalism began to take hold. In 1830, Gran Colombia was dissolved and what is now Colombia became an independent nation.

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Since independence, Colombia has been plagued by civil wars. The most recent and prolonged civil war began in 1964 and lasted until 1991. The war was fought between the government and left-wing rebel groups, such as the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and the ELN (National Liberation Army). The war resulted in the death of over 200,000 people and displaced millions more.

The drug trade

The drug trade in Colombia has its origins in the country’s agricultural sector. For centuries, farmers in Colombia have cultivated crops such as coffee, cocoa and tobacco. However, in the 20th century, farmers began to grow cocaine. This was due to the high demand for cocaine in the United States and Europe. The cocaine trade soon became a major source of income for farmers in Colombia.

The manufacture of cocaine is a complex process. First, the coca leaves are harvested and dried. They are then crushed and mixed with sulfuric acid and water. This mixture is then heated until it evaporates, leaving behind a white powder that is known as cocaine hydrochloride. The powder is then cut with other substances, such as sugars or baking soda, to increase its bulk.

Cocaine is typically sold in two forms: “crack” and “powder.” Crack is a solid form of cocaine that can be smoked. It is made by mixing cocaine with water and baking soda or ammonia. Powder cocaine is usually snorted or injected. It can also be mixed with water and drunk.

Cocaine is typically sold by drug dealers who work for cartels. Cartels are organized criminal groups that control the drug trade in a particular area. They are often involved in other illegal activities, such as money laundering, human trafficking and violence. In Colombia, there are two main cartels: the Medellín cartel and the Cali cartel.

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The drug trade has had a devastating impact on Colombia’s economy. It has caused inflation, unemployment and crime to skyrocket. In addition, it has led to the displacement of millions of people from their homes. The drug trade has also had a negative impact on Colombia’s environment due to the widespread cultivation of coca plants.

Modern Colombia

Since the early 1990s, Colombia has been undergoing a process of economic liberalization. The country has privatized many state-owned enterprises and opened up its economy to foreign investment. This has led to a period of economic growth and prosperity. In recent years, however, the country’s economy has been slowing down.

Colombia is also facing a number of challenges. The country’s long-running civil war has displaced millions of people and caused widespread damage to infrastructure. In addition, crime and corruption are still major problems in Colombia. Despite these challenges, however, the country’s economy has been growing steadily in recent years. This makes Colombia one of the fastest-growing economies in Latin America.

History of Colombia
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