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Postal Code for Dammam

When sending a package to or from the Saudi Arabian city of Dammam, it is important to be aware of the correct postal code. The postal code for Dammam is 31146, which is different than the zip code for the city. In this article, we will provide an overview of everything you need to know about the postal code for Dammam, including how to find it and how to use it.

The postal code of Dammam is 31146.

What is the postal code for Dammam?

The postal code for Dammam is an important piece of information for anyone looking to send a package to or from the city. The code is 31146 and is different than the zip code for Dammam. The city is the capital of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and is the largest city in the province. Dammam is located on the coast of the Arabian Gulf.

How can I find the postal code for Dammam?

To find the postal code for Dammam, you can look it up on the Saudi Arabia Postal Corporation website. Customer service can also provide this information. Additionally, post offices in Dammam will have the postal code for the city. Finally, local courier services may also be able to assist with finding the correct postal code.

What is the zip code for Dammam?

The zip code for Dammam is 32023. This is different than the postal code for Dammam, which is 31146. The city of Dammam is the capital of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and is located on the coast of the Arabian Gulf.
Dammam is the largest city in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and plays an important role in the country’s economy. The city is home to many businesses and industries, as well as a busy port. Dammam is also a popular tourist destination, due to its beautiful beaches and rich culture.
The zip code for Dammam can be found on the Saudi Arabia Postal Corporation website, from customer service, at post offices in Dammam, or from local courier services.

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How can I use the postal code for Dammam?

To use the postal code for Dammam, first locate the code on a map of the city. The code is 31146. And is different than the zip code for Dammam. Once you have located the code, you can calculate shipping rates using the code. To do this, simply enter the postal code into a shipping rate calculator. The calculator will provide you with an estimate of how much it will cost to ship a package to or from Dammam.

What are some other interesting facts about the postal code for Dammam?

As the capital of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, Dammam is the largest city in the province. It is located on the coast of the Arabian Gulf and is a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful beaches and rich culture. The postal code for Dammam is 31146. This is different from the zip code for Dammam, which is 32023. The postal code for Dammam can be found on the Saudi Arabia Postal Corporation website, from customer service, at post offices in Dammam, or from local courier services.

Dammam Postcode

Many residents of Dammam search on Google for the Dammam postal code and this is so that they can write it in parcels, whether to send parcels and shipments or receive them.

The postal code of Dammam is 31146.

For more accuracy, the city was divided into a group of eastern, western and central neighborhoods, as each neighborhood of Dammam carries a different postal code from the other Dammam Postal Code Map, and here is the postal code in the Kingdom of Arabia, specifically in Dammam, which is as follows:

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Dammam Postal Code for Western Neighborhoods

NeighborhoodDammam Postcode
Al Manar District32274
Nada District32271
Hayy Al Nour32444 32445
Badr District32266
Taibah District32273
King Fahd District32313 32514
Uhud District32263
Al-Dabab District32261
Al Faisaliyah District32272
Al-Amana District32324 32325
Al Forsan District32324
Airport District32335 32567
Al , Shorouq District32272

Dammam Postal Code for Eastern Neighborhoods

Postal Code for Eastern Province in Dammam :

Al Nahda DistrictDammam Postcode
North Rakah District34224
Al-Nozha District32251 32252
Al Muraikabat District32253
Al Mazrouiyah District32414
Montazah District34242
Nasiriyah District32233
Al Naseem District32271
Al Nahda District34243
Al Nawras District32214
Workers City District32253
Ibn Khaldoun District32253
Telecom District32257
Basateen District32235
University District32254
Southern Khalidiya District32226
Northern Khalidiya District32231
Al Rawda District32255
Ar Rayyan District32256
Seef District34213
Al-Shifa neighborhood32236
Shell neighborhood34434
Al Safa District34222
Housing District32236
Al-Firdous District34251
Alfanar District34211
Al Hussam District34223

Postal Code Dammam Central Neighborhoods

District NameZip code
Al Jawhara District32422
West Beach District32413
Eastern Beach District32412
Al Hamra District32422
Al-Zohour District32423
Gulf District32425
Al Atheer District32248
Granada District32245
Market District32242
Spring District32241
Al Nakheel District32244
Mohammedia District32433
Dana District32437
Al Nahda District34241
Badia District32243
Budaiya District32415
Al-Jalawiya District32246
Al-Dawasir District32416
Al-Zohour District32423
Hay Al Salam32416
Al-Tubayshi District32233
Al-Adamah District32242
Azizia District32424
Lamamra District32415
Al Anood District32426
Al-Qadisiyah District32247
Alghadeer District32441
Al Manar District32274

I would like to add that the postal code for Postal Code Dahran is: 34462

Postal Code for Dammam
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