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Rimini to Bologna

How to get from Rimini to Bologna?

The distance from Rimini to Bologna is 117 kilometers. The cheapest and fastest way to get there is by train, but you can also consider the option of a longer independent trip in a rented car. Let’s look at all the options in detail.

By train

From Rimini to Bologna, only regional and high-speed trains run by Trenitalia. Unfortunately, their main competitor, Italotreno, is not represented in this direction. Consider in detail the features and cost of travel.


The fastest but also more expensive way is to travel to Bologna from Rimini by high-speed train. Travel time from 52 minutes to 1 hour 9 minutes, ticket prices from 21 to 26.50 euros one way. The interval of movement during the day is about once an hour, in the morning a little less.

Trains arrive at the central station of Bologna (Bologna Centrale) and you can immediately go to see the main attractions.


The cheapest way to get to Bologna from Rimini is by taking the regional train, which costs between 9.85 and 11.10 euros. Regional trains run several times per hour according to the schedule below:

The main disadvantage is the travel time of one and a half to two hours.

Direct bus to Bologna airport

To Bologna Airport (Aeroporto Guglielmo Marconi di Bologna) from Rimini Central Station, every 2 hours, there is a direct shuttle bus for 20 euros. Travel time 1 hour 30 minutes.

The ticket can be bought in advance online on the official website of the carrier

See also  From Rimini to Rome

By Car

The trip by car to Bologna from Rimini will take about 1.5 hours. In addition to fuel costs, about 12 euros, keep in mind that the A14 highway is tolled – 8.20 per segment one way. The closest car park to the center is Piazza dell Otto Agosto, located next to the station. The cost is 2.6 euros per hour.

Rimini to Bologna
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