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Solo Travel Tips

Traveling with friends, family, and girlfriends is probably very common, huh, guys? well for those of you who are bored traveling the atmosphere is just like that, let’s try traveling alone. by traveling alone besides being fun trying new things yourself, you can interact with other tourists and find out many things yourself. this time I will give you 10 Tips for Safe and Comfortable Solo Traveling for you guys.

1. Send Identity and Important Documents to Email

Before traveling long distances, you have to send your identity and important documents to email, for example, such as Ktp, Passport, Sim, Insurance Card, your own email account, and to family members, this is done so that when your cellphone is lost or your wallet is lost, you still have data- emailed important data that makes it easier for you to take care of it again.

2. Find out all about the City or Country you want to Visit

Indeed, the most important thing is knowing the city or country you are currently visiting, the first is to find out what tours and attractions are in the city or country you are currently visiting, this makes traveling easy because you know what tours are mandatory. visited, and with this information you can prevent visits to areas that experience conflict or the weather is not supportive, hampering your traveling, therefore seek as much information as possible so that your traveling is not obstructed and enjoyable.

3. Tell the people closest to where you vacation

So that when things do not want your friend or boyfriend, you can tell your family or vice versa.

4. Bring whatever clothes and equipment you need when you go there

This is very important because you can bring complete and sufficient equipment when visiting the tour you want to visit at this time, for example, such as clothes, footwear, cameras, snorkeling equipment, or climbing equipment. certainly don’t use flashy accessories, revealing clothes, or look expensive and invite crimes that endanger you.

5. Talk to the receptionist or waiter at the hotel or hostel you are staying at

By chatting with the receptionist or hotel waiter you can ask details about what tours are interesting, and what foods are delicious in the city or country you are currently visiting.

6. Check the map and itinerary if you want to travel

This is very important because if you don’t know the way, you can ask the securty hotel, or the restaurant waiter who can help you, don’t ask people on the side of the road, this is avoided so that unwanted things don’t happen especially they know you are traveling itself, this could endanger you.

7. Walk with confidence

This is very important because people know you have a clear goal and as if you don’t look confused and traveling alone.

8. Prepare before getting on the public vehicle

The most important thing is before you take public transportation, make sure your pants pocket does not have a wallet, close your bag tightly, and stay alert when you ride a public vehicle.

9. Prepare Little Things before Traveling

The little things you need to provide are simple data packages. this can make it easier for you to find addresses, culinary spots, tourist attractions, hotels, and status updates to tell the closest people you are currently located, and most importantly you should bring personal medicines that help you when you need it.

10. Prepare Mental and Physical

Doing solo traveling, the most important thing is a healthy body condition, why is it important, because traveling alone is not really right when you’re sick and for this, don’t forget to take vitamins that make your body fresher.

So that’s 10 Tips for Safe and Comfortable Solo Traveling for those of you who want to try new things, namely Solo Traveling, this new thing is really mandatory for you guys to try and of course your traveling is fun, you can interact with new people, get new knowledge, experience new, and find out about new tours in the city or country that you are currently visiting.

Solo Travel Tips
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