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Turbotax Customer Service Phone Numbers

If you need help with your Turbotax account, there are several ways to get in touch with customer service. You can call the Turbotax customer service number, 1-800-4-INTUIT, Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm EST. You can also email them at ____________, or start a live chat session on the website.

There is also a large FAQ section on the Intuit website that may be able to answer your question without needing to contact customer service. However, if you do need to speak to someone, the customer service representatives are knowledgeable and ready to help.

Turbotax customer service number

The customer service number for Turbotax is 1-800-4-INTUIT. Intuit, the company that owns Turbotax, also offers customer support for Quickbooks and Mint. The customer service number is available Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm EST. Intuit also offers email and live chat customer support. There is also a large self-help section on the Intuit website.

Turbotax customer service hours

The customer service hours for Turbotax are Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm EST. They offer phone, email, and live chat support. There is also a large self-help section on the Intuit website.
Turbotax offers several ways to contact customer service. The most convenient way to reach them is through their live chat function, which is available on their website. You can also reach them by phone at 1-800-4-INTUIT or by email.
The customer service hours for Turbotax are Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm EST. This means that if you have a question or issue outside of those hours, you will have to wait until the next business day to get assistance. While Turbotax does offer a self-help section on their website, it may not always be able to answer your specific question. In that case, contacting customer service is the best way to get the help you need.

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Turbotax customer service email

The Turbotax customer service email address is You can expect a response to your inquiry within 24 hours. When emailing customer service, be sure to include your full name, Turbotax account number, and a detailed description of your issue. If you have attachments, please limit them to 5MB in size and include one attachment per email.

Turbotax customer service live chat

The Turbotax customer service live chat is a great way to get help with your taxes 24/7. It’s free to use, confidential, and easy to use. Plus, it’s a convenient way to get the help you need.

When you use the Turbotax customer service live chat, you’ll be connected with a customer service representative who can answer any of your questions. All you need is a internet connection and a web browser – no phone required!

The Turbotax customer service live chat is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So whether you have a question about your taxes at 2 in the afternoon or 2 in the morning, we’re here to help.

If you’ve never used live chat before, don’t worry – it’s easy! Just type your question into the box on the Turbotax website and hit ‘enter’. A customer service representative will then join the chat and help you with whatever you need.

So if you need some help with your taxes, why not try the Turbotax customer service live chat? It’s fast, convenient, and best of all – it’s free!

Turbotax customer service FAQ

When it comes to filing your taxes, Turbotax is one of the most popular options available. They offer a wide range of features to help you get your taxes done quickly and easily, and their customer service is top-notch. In this section, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about Turbotax customer service, so you can be sure you’re getting the best possible service.

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How do I contact Turbotax customer service?
The best way to contact Turbotax customer service is by using the phone number 1-800-4-INTUIT. Customer service hours are Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm EST. You can also use the email address or the live chat feature on their website.

What are the customer service hours for Turbotax?
The customer service hours for Turbotax are Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you need assistance outside of those hours, you can use the live chat feature on their website.

How do I cancel my Turbotax account?
To cancel your Turbotax account, simply log into your account and go to the ‘My Account’ page. From there, you’ll see a ‘Cancel Account’ button – click that, and follow the instructions on the screen. Once your account has been cancelled, you will no longer be able to access any of your tax data or files.

What if I need help with my taxes outside of customer service hours?
If you need help with your taxes outside of customer service hours, you can use the live chat feature on their website. A customer service representative will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

Turbotax Customer Service Phone Numbers
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