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Vanguard Customer Service Phone Numbers

If you’re a Vanguard customer and you need to get in touch with customer service, you can do so by calling 877-662-7447. Vanguard customer service is available 24/7, so you can call anytime you need assistance. In this article, we’ll give you an overview of Vanguard’s customer service offerings, including the types of customer service available and what to do if you’re not satisfied with the service you receive.

Vanguard customer service number: 877-662-7447

The customer service number for Vanguard is 877-662-7447. Vanguard customer service is available 24/7, so you can call anytime you need assistance. When you call Vanguard customer service, you will be asked to verify your identity by providing your Social Security number or account number. You can call Vanguard customer service to ask questions about your account, make changes to your account, or get help with technical issues.

If you’re not satisfied with the level of customer service you receive from Vanguard, you have a few options. You can hang up and call back at a later time, or speak to a supervisor. You can also file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau or Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

Hours of operation

Vanguard’s customer service is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time. The customer service is closed on weekends and during holidays. However, extended hours are available for certain services.

To get in touch with Vanguard’s customer service, you can call the number 877-662-7447. The customer service is available 24/7, and you can call them for assistance with your account, making changes to your account, or with technical issues. If you’re not satisfied with the customer service you receive, you can try calling back at a later time or speak to a supervisor. You can also file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau or Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

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Types of customer service offered

Different companies offer different types of customer service. Some might only offer support by phone, while others might offer a combination of phone, email, live chat, and in person support. Vanguard offers all of these types of customer service so that you can choose the method that is most convenient for you.

If you need immediate assistance, then calling customer service is likely your best option. You will be able to speak to a representative who can help answer any questions that you have. If you don’t need immediate assistance or if you would prefer to communicate via written means, then sending an email might be a better option for you. You can still expect a prompt response, although it might take slightly longer than if you had called customer service.

Vanguard also offers live chat support on their website. This can be a good option if you need help with something but don’t want to wait on hold or for an email response. The live chat feature is available during business hours. In addition to these three options, Vanguard also has representatives available in person at select locations. This can be a good option if you want to sit down and discuss your account in detail or if you have complex questions that are best answered in person.

No matter what type of customer service you are looking for, Vanguard has you covered. You can choose the method of communication that is most convenient for you and that will best meet your needs.

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What to do if you are not satisfied with Vanguard customer service

If you are not satisfied with Vanguard customer service, there are a few steps you can take. First, you can try to resolve the issue directly with the customer service representative. If that does not work, you can file a complaint with Vanguard or the Better Business Bureau. You can also contact your state’s attorney general’s office or post a review of Vanguard customer service on an online consumer forum.

Alternatives to Vanguard customer service

There are a few alternatives to Vanguard customer service that you can use. The first is to try to resolve the issue directly with the customer service representative. If that does not work, you can file a complaint with Vanguard or the Better Business Bureau. You can also contact your state’s attorney general’s office or post a review of Vanguard customer service on an online consumer forum.

Another alternative is to contact the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is a non-profit organization that regulates the financial services industry. They have a complaint process that you can use if you’re not satisfied with Vanguard’s customer service.

You can also try contacting Vanguard’s CEO, Tim Buckley. You can reach him by sending an email to or by calling 877-662-7447 and asking to be transferred to his office.

Finally, you can try contacting Vanguard’s media relations department. You can reach them by emailing or by calling 877-662-7447 and asking to be transferred to media relations.

Vanguard Customer Service Phone Numbers
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