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Language is spoken in Argentina

After watching a number of Argentinean films and series popular in the world, a reasonable question arises, what language is spoken in Argentina? Spanish or English? Will a tourist from our country who comes to the homeland of the “Wild Angel” understand the corresponding dialect? Let’s look into this issue.

Most of the country’s population speaks Spanish. The Argentines themselves notice that their variation of the language should be called Castilian, because it was from there that the first founders of the state “brought” the language.

Of course, there are many differences between classical Spanish and Argentinean. They are reflected both in the lexical meaning and in intonation, pronunciation, certain sounds and the manner of writing words.

When the Spanish colonization of Argentine land took place, most of the indigenous dialects were lost forever.

There are only two languages ​​left, Quechua and Guarani, which have adopted the status of a lingua franca. These languages ​​are used as languages ​​for interethnic communication.

Quechua is spoken mostly in the northwestern and central regions of the country, while Guarani is used in the northeast.

Today, the population of such Argentine lands as Santiago and Corrientes communicate in Guarani and Quechua. The only negative in the work of the modern government of Argentina is the unwillingness to preserve the remaining two languages, which are the linguistic heritage of the entire country.

At the same time, several schools in Argentina are trying to introduce bilingual education, which will be available to children who are indigenous to the country.

I would like to note the fact that in Argentina the rights of those who were bilingual, that is, a person who knows both the official language of the country and his native language, have never been protected.

See also  Language spoken in China

In addition to the regional variation of the Spanish language, and also, excluding the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the indigenous people, the inhabitants of Argentina can use lunfardo in dialogue.

It is a kind of jargon, which also originated from the Spanish language. Moreover, if initially it was peculiar only to criminals and prostitutes, now it is spoken by a larger part of the country’s population.

Language is spoken in Argentina
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